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Hinton, D., Hsia, C, Park, L., & Pollack, M.  (2008).  Cultural Anthropology and the Anxiety Diagnoses.  In Current Perspectives on the Anxiety Disorders:  Implications for DSM-V and Beyond (Abramowitz, J, Asmundson, G & McKay, D, Eds.).  Springer Press.

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Iwamasa, G., Hsia, C., Hinton, D. (2005).    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Asian Americans and Asian populations.  In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Diverse Populations, (Iwamasa, Ed.).  American Psychological Association Press.

Hinton, D. Hsia, C., Um, K., & Otto, M.  (2003).  Anger associated panic attacks in Cambodian refugees with PTSD; a multiple baseline examination of clinical data.  Behaviour Research and Therapy.  41, 647-654


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